Safety means the first aid for the uninjured ~ F.S. Hughes
There has been a stable progress for SiCRED Assistance, regardless of changes from the last year. The number of consultancy contracts with private entities has increased as well, leading to a higher number of employees which are assisted in improved practices for risk minimization at workplace, efficiency growth, decrease of stress levels…etc.
The number of employees has been increased as well, leading to a better offered service.
Seminars and workshops were held in 2015, related to issues and obstacles in the implementation of safety and health at work legislation, where the matters as below were emphasized:
- Non-harmonized Legal framework and the lack of experience in the Albanian market for these practices. There’s a lot more work to be done to harmonize the practical guides which complement in practice the methodical principles that the law and bylaws have stipulated on the safety and health at
- The lack of Information of the employers for their legal obligations as well as the lack of consistency in the relevant chain of state monitoring system, to make the information on health and safety at work a sensitive public topic which seeks the public
- Low will of employers for the execution of law on health and safety at
- The lack of specialized consultants. Regardless of the experience that the operating entities have in this field in Albania, we deem that in general, the correct understanding and practical execution and of principles of health and safety at work should be
Taking into account the market difficulties, in 2016, the company SiCRED ASSISTANCE aims to increase the number of contractual consultancies, in order to increase the expected revenue as well.